Road Trip

I have recently spruced up my blog a little and have decided to incorporate all the creative inspiration I see around me onto one space. As a perfectionist, this is a grueling task because it is going to take trial and error. And I don’t take well to error. In saying that, however, I think it is important to push myself and to force myself – as a perfectionist – to give things a go even when they aren’t what I deem to be ‘perfect.’ What this means is that this blog is a work in progress.

I hope to aim to do weekly updates based on three themes: Creative Food; Creative Thought; and Creative Minds. I am inspired by the creativity that is all around me every day – whether that be in the kitchen, in the work of others, or in my surroundings – and for a long time I have kept these separate. But I think the time has come to combine these efforts (in some way, shape or form!) and to include them all in this lovely space. I have written more about this in My Story so feel free to read and provide feedback on how the blog is looking, or anything you choose.

Creative thought – Road Trip

I always loved a good road trip. Pity I always got sick. It wasn’t until recently, when I was talking to Anthony, that I realised this sickness was most likely due to me getting over excited leading up to the trip so that I would become almost manic in anticipation. Only to deflate on arrival and collapse in a bed of spewy childish complaints. I still do this today.

At least once a year my family would travel from Wellington to Auckland, with Mum and Dad in the front and me and one or two (and sometimes even three) of my sisters in the back. The scenery became so familiar that I knew the roads we were taking and the route we were traveling. If Mum or Dad were to venture off that road there was hell to pay.

I recall one occasion when one of my parents suggested taking the ‘scenic’ route. As a teenager scenery had little appeal, but I obliged, thinking I might see some waterfalls or horses galloping through the fields, their manes blowing in the wind. As it turned out, it was the winding road to nowhere, and it seemed to go on forever and ever as we went round and round and round. My parents had to endure endless moaning from me at every bend, and I was doing little to appreciate the beautiful (and it was beautiful) bush that surrounded me. While it did nothing to improve my appreciation for New Zealand and it’s winding roads, it created a lasting impression.

Overall though, the pleasure I get when going on a road trip is immeasurable. When I’m sitting with the stereo blasting to 70s rock and roll tunes (usually Queen) and I’m singing at the top of my lungs I feel like there is nothing in the world that could be better than that moment. It’s the notion of ‘going somewhere’ that I get when going on a road trip. It’s the connection I feel when singing along with my family or whoever it is I am roady-ing with. It’s the beauty that is New Zealand, and the stunning mountains, rivers, and countryside that whizzes by. It’s the long running jokes in my family, that leave us with tears pouring down our faces. It’s being so utterly in the moment that makes it so special.

And when we get home

we turn off the car,

and we sit.

We sit,

in silence,

in the car,

not wanting it

to be over.





ps. For a great road trip I recommend listening to The Eagles ‘Take it Easy‘ and Queens ‘Don’t Stop me Now’ and possibly reading Jack Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’ and avoiding at all costs watching Wolf Creek 🙂

What are your favourite road trip moments?

I would love to hear them.

Whisperings of Life


1 cup of extra virgin coconut oil*
1/2 cup honey, maple or agave syrup
1/2 cup nut butter (I used almond, but peanut or cashew would work well also)
1/2 cup cocoa or cacao powder
a pinch of sea salt 

*you could also use cacao butter. – See more at:

1 cup of extra virgin coconut oil*
1/2 cup honey, maple or agave syrup
1/2 cup nut butter (I used almond, but peanut or cashew would work well also)
1/2 cup cocoa or cacao powder
a pinch of sea salt 

*you could also use cacao butter. – See more at:

9 thoughts on “Road Trip

  1. Pingback: Road Trip | Whisperingso of Life

  2. Cool, loved this. Great photos, I want to set up my blog like this. So funny reading about you and our trip from Rotorua through to Napier via the Waikaremoana Road. This is where it takes you. “From the northern end of the route near Rotorua to the southern end at Wairoa is approximately 195km and takes 4-5 hours. This very scenic journey takes you through some of New Zealand’s most magnificent indigenous rainforest, past the sparkling Lake Waikaremoana, and through a number of small, remote and mainly Maori settlements. For much of the route, the road is windy and narrow so don’t underestimate the drive times. The part between Te Whaiti and just east of Tuai (about 95km) is gravel and very windy, with driving speeds of only 30-50km/hr.” Courtesy of NZ Transport site.

    • Hey Jenny, isn’t that hilarious how a teenage mind can morph something that is stunning into a thing that must be endured. I was asked yesterday by a friend whether I was going to go and see this part of New Zealand when Anthony and I are visiting (not knowing that I’d written a post about this!). My reply was “Maaaaaybe.” I would love to see the beautiful bush, just not sure about the 5 hour windy drive :/

      Thanks for your comment 🙂

  3. I have so many good road trip memories I wouldn’t know where to start. Most of them are with you and the family when we were smalls. The singing in harmonies, the really early starts in the dark all snuggled in the back with too many pillows and duvets. I can’t believe how much we used to fit in our cars on those trips, seems unbelievable when I think about it now. Recently Rob and I did the North Island drive from Wellies to the Far North and it was just as much fun. Music is such an important factor but it’s the company and laughs more than anything. A lot of my friends find it quite odd that I enjoy that drive and can’t understand why i don’t fly…..suckers…..they’re missing out! The new blog layout looks good too doll face, keep it up xxx

    • Yes, the early starts in the dark all tucked up under duvets and lots of pillows. Sometimes with dogs in the back. I know how we fit it all in – with Dad’s expert packing skills! I seem to have acquired this skill myself. Thanks for you comment 🙂 xx

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